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  • Members will receive a minimum of  6 x 60 minute Group Zoom calls per year led by GGI staff
  • Member will be responsible for clipping and editing their own video
  • Members to share game clips with the staff so group can discuss while the staff provides coaching points to the group
  • Members will attend a live game and watch, analyze and experience the game as a group

  • Development Webinars will be presented throughout the year
  • Webinars will consist of Tactical Seminars / Guest speakers / Professional goalkeepers
  • The platform will provide our members an opportunity to learn from various individuals 

  • 2 x 30 minute Zoom Calls (1 on 1 call with GGI Staff to discuss personal development)
  • Members will book appointments via Calendly – offered twice a year
  • These feedback sessions will provide the goalkeeper an opportunity to set their goals, discuss high performance options, create a pathway, focus on the goalkeeper strengths, weaknesses, and have open dialogue with our experienced staff. 

  • 1 FREE Training Session will be offered in 2025
  • 15% Discount to GGI March Break Camp, Summer Training Series, Winter Training Series 
  • 1 time 50% Discount code on Uhlsport gloves
  • Local Store Discounts - AC Soccer in Mississauga