Location: Zanchin Automotive Soccer Centre
Group 1: 9:00am to 10:15am - 2009 born & younger
Group 2: 10:45am to 12:00pm - 2008 born & older
FREE Prizes | Raffle: 10:30am
Included: 75 Minute Training Session & Uhlsport Training T-Shirt
All proceeds will be donated to Sick Kids Hospital
Note: Training groups will be determined based on the goalkeepers registered for the event.
Every participant will be required to complete a Media Release Form & GGI Informed Consent and Assumption of Risk Agreement that will need to be signed prior to the event.
All participants will receive a raffle ticket and are eligible to win one of several prizes available at the event.
The raffle will take place on field between the two training sessions.
Available prizes will be announced prior to the event.